Retention and Productivity > Maximizing Your Workforce

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[1]  Health and Productivity Institute of New Zealand, The Health and Productivity Institute of New Zealand: Best practice guidelines. 2013, Health and Productivity Institute of New Zealand New Zealand.

[2]  Norriss, H. Flourishing, positive mental health & wellbeing. 2011.

Maximizing your workforce

When asked about success in business, CEOs increasingly identify employees as their greatest asset. The question, therefore, is how to support and get the most out of your workforce.

  • There is a clear link between poor health and lost productivity, so investing in workplace wellbeing makes economic sense[1].

  • Workplace wellbeing is simply about doing everyday business in a way that leads to improvements in employee wellbeing and increases in productivity [1].

  • A healthy workplace encourages the development of a healthy workforce, which is vital to a nation’s economic and social growth.
    World Health Organisation. (1999)

  • Wellbeing is about feeling good and functioning well.[2]

  • Good mental health enables individuals to make the best possible contribution and also helps to improve the effectiveness of their workforce.

“For the event I decided to put together a completely new narrative which makes the case that “happiness is a serious business”

Nic Marks