Retention and Productivity > A New Perspective - Four Quadrants

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Four Quadrants

Mental health problems are much more than simply an absence of illness. People can still be flourishing while experiencing symptoms, or may be languishing although they do not have mental health problems. Therefore, a more appropriate way to view mental health issues is illustrated in the four quadrant model below. 

“Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community." (World Health Organization WHO)

Click on each of the scenarios to read a specific example.


Scenario 1

Sally experiences anxiety. Stress management is an important part of managing her symptoms. Although she has anxiety, Sally really enjoys her job working in customer service solving complaints. The challenge of the job and variety keeps her engaged. Good supervision and policy means the workload, though a challenge, is achievable. Support is available to her when working with rude or angry customers.

Scenario 4

Samantha finds works interesting and is often so engaged that time flies. The relationships with her team mates and manager are open. Despite the fact that they often disagree and have challenging discussions, Samantha feels respected and valued.
symptoms of
mental health
no symptoms of
mental health

Scenario 2

Allen has felt depressed for weeks and struggles to get out of bed to get to work on time. He can’t concentrate at work and finds he is snapping at his co-workers. He feels under pressure at work from deadlines and increased sales targets and is stressed about losing his job.

Scenario 3

Jo has a low mood and finds her work boring and unchallenging. She is also unsure about how much work there will be from week to week. She is not engaged at work and finds that relationships with co-workers are often negative and end up in arguments. She also struggles to manage her finances due to the irregular hours.
Adapted from Keyes, 2007