Inclusive Recruitment Process > The Process

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The Process

Job Design/Review




Adjustments/Reasonable Accommodations

Follow the Law
  • You can’t discriminate directly or indirectly against someone with a mental illness, unless that illness will create OSH issues, or it will be very costly to accommodate that person.
  • You can’t ask applicants about their history of mental or physical illness, but you can ask them if there is anything that will impact on their ability to do the job.
  • Applicants don't have to disclose previous mental health problems. However, if they feel safe to do so, this can make your job as an employer easier. It’s up to you!

Be Aware of Unconscious Bias

  • Think about your assumptions about ‘suitable’ employees. Are you restricting your employment pool? 
  • Focus on the job tasks and skills, not the personality of the employee.
  • Formal qualifications are no guarantee of competence. People can acquire skills and knowledge in many ways.

Be Inclusive

  • Make all your employment processes clear and transparent. This applies to job descriptions, advertising and interviewing.
  • Treat everyone equally. 
  • Focus on skills and tasks. 
  • Be willing to accommodate differences during your recruitment processes.
  • Make it clear that you are willing to accommodate differences.