Inclusive Recruitment Process > Be Fair and Inclusive

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[1] Equal Employment Opportunities Trust.Diversity Toolkits: Employing disabled people.[cited 2014 October]; Available from:

[2] Ministry of Business, I.E. WorkABLE for employers. 2014 [cited 2014 October]; Available from:

[3] Workbridge. Workbridge - Real jobs for people with disabilities. 2014; Available from:

[4] Mental Health Foundation New Zealand.Employers Tool Kit: Facts and strategies for employers. 2014 [cited 2014 October]; Available from:

[5] LEAP - Taking The First Steps booklet

Why and how to be fair and inclusive during the recruitment process

Getting the best person for the job and being inclusive involve the same steps:

  • Determining exactly what is needed through job analysis and description.[1]
  • Identifying and recruiting the best of the talent pool for the position.

It is important to ensure an equitable process of engagement and recruitment in order to be an inclusive workplace. Success lies in the manager's ability to consider applicants based on their actual skills and capabilities without making any assumptions about the role or the applicant.[2][3]

It is not about lowering the standards of the job performance or qualifications – it is about changing the way those standards are met (process). Organisations can facilitate this process.[4]

This is clearly illustrated in these 4 videos about managing accommodation (viewing optional). 

“Those Companies that do hire and retain employees with serious mental disorders often find a payoff: Many workers with such illnesses have shown the strength to overcome great barriers and have acquired impressive credentials in the process." [5]