Introduction > Mental Illness at Work

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[1] Mental Health Foundation, Return to Work: Returning to work after experiencing mental illness and other mental health issues. 2007. Mental Health Foundation, Auckland.

Mental Illness at Work

Everyone gets sick sometimes.  Even those with very healthy habits will suffer the occasional illness, and there is no blame or stigma attached to getting a cold, or breaking a leg. 

Mental illness is exactly the same. Even people who are normally positive, active and connected to others may suffer times of mental illness in their lives. Some people try to hide this because they feel it is a sign of weakness.  

Just as with physical illness, most people will get better with treatment and support.

Encourage an open and honest workplace environment, where people feel safe in disclosing mental health problems. 

“Everyone experiences mental health issues, and anyone can experience mental illness. Employees who experience mental illness are valuable contributors to the community, and the workplaces in those communities. Sometimes, a person may become unwell and require some time off work. Ensuring that their return to work is well managed is vital for their recovery. At the centre of any return to work programme is the employee and any support people they identify. As an employer, supporting staff will be beneficial not only for the individual, but for the whole organisation. A mentally healthy workplace where we value and support each other is better for morale and for business.”[1]