Training Workshops
Kites Trust
Kites delivers a number of educational workshops by people with personal experience of mental illness to a variety of audiences. Topics include: Dealing with people in distress, Stigma and discrimination, Compassion Fatigue, Self-stigma and Overcoming stress. They also tailor specific workshops to organisation needs.
I Haven't Told Them, They Haven't Asked:The Employment Experiences of People with Experience of Mental Illness 2007
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
This report presents the findings of research undertaken with 22 people with experience of mental illness, who were asked about their employment experiences. The report has been supported by a review of literature published separately, focusing on the issues regarding employment, mental illness and stigma and discrimination.
Countering Stigma and Discrimination: Organisational Policy Guidelines for the Public Sector
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
This booklet has been produced as part of the National Project to Counter Stigma and Discrimination Associated with Mental Illness. Its purpose is to support state sector employers with their responsibility to be a ‘good employer’. In particular, it provides a set of organisational policies that can be used by all public sector organisations to assist them to meet their responsibilities to counter stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness and promote a mentally healthy work environment.
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health: Framework to Help Eliminate Stigma
Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace
Information on:
- The business case for reducing stigma
- Assess the current situation
- Create a plan of action
- Implement and communicate the plan
- Evaluate the plan
- Maintain the plan