Managing mental health problems in the workplace: How can I approach an employee about their mental illness?
Suggestions for how you can prepare to meet with the employee about a mental health problem.
Talking mental health #1 work
Time to Change
Tips on how to look out for a colleague and talk to them about mental health problems. Three professionals with experience of mental health problems, and supportive work colleagues, discuss why you don’t need to be an expert to be there for someone.
Return to Work: Dealing with a distressed employee
Beyondblue and Population Mental Health Group, University of Melbourne
Suggestions can help with the process of dealing with a distressed employee.
Return to Work: What to do when an employee discloses a mental health problem
Beyondblue and Population Mental Health Group, University of Melbourne
Information on how to respond when an employee discloses a mental health problem
Mind: Managing and supporting mental health at work: disclosure tools for managers
Mind & Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
This resources includes information on: What is mental health?, The business case of dealing, Handling disclosure in recruitment, keeping people well and managing stress, spotting the signs of stress and mental ill health, Encouraging disclosure ND supporting people to return to work.
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health: Resolving Conflict
Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace
When one party may have a mental health issue, standard conflict resolution approaches may not work as well. This could be because one or both parties may be intimidated or overwhelmed. They then may be less likely to engage in or commit to the process. An alternative approach is offered here.
2010 Workers with Mental Illness: a Practical Guide for Managers
Australian Human Rights Commission
As a manager or employer, Workers with Mental Illness: a Practical Guide for Managers provides you with information on how to appropriately support workers with mental illness. It also provides you with information about how to develop and promote a safe and healthy work environment for all workers.
Evidence Summary Mental Health And Employment
Altogether Better
This evidence summary outlines the evidence base for workplace interventions related to mental health.
Heads Up: Having a conversation
Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance and beyondblue
Information and advice about how to have a conversation when you have concerns about someone in your team or speaking to another colleague.