A to Z of mental health conditions
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
Our A to Z details the condition, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, support groups, and how to look after yourself or a loved one with that disorder.
Return to Work: What are mental health problems?
Beyondblue and Population Mental Health Group, University of Melbourne
Information on mental health problems
Mind: Mental Health at Work
Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They offer free resources to improve mental wellbeing and employee engagement.
10 Myths, 10 Facts
Mindful Employer
A short factsheet correcting 10 commonly held misconceptions about people with mental health problems in the workplace.
Managing Trauma, Loss and Grief in the Workplace
Skylight Trust
This ground breaking handbook is an essential tool that will support organisations in the development and management of their health, safety and wellbeing culture.
It has been written for employers, business owners, board trustees, senior executives, HR, managers and supervisors.