Inclusive Staff Management > Redeployment

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If an employee is unable to return to their previous job role, they may be capable of working in a different role that matches their skills and capabilities.  However, redeployment should only be considered if:

  • There have been no effective accommodations identified that allows the person to perform the essential roles  of their current job, or
  • Accommodating the person to stay in their current job would be a disproportionate burden on the workplace.[1]

Redeployment should be at the equivalent level of employment the employee currently holds. If no such position exists, discuss with the employee, union, or other representatives whether a lower position would be acceptable.[1]

Looking at all the options

As with any other significant health issue, the employee and the employer may need to consider whether permanent full time employment is the best option, or whether part time or contract work might be more suitable. Sometimes other roles in the company, or the use of a supported employment service, may be an option. However, if options are very limited, and there are no appropriate alternatives, it may be necessary to discuss terminating employment.[2]

Finishing the employment relationship

If an employee becomes incapable of doing their job for a period of time that can be reasonably expected to be sustained by an employer, then they can be dismissed.[3]

There is no set time limit as all workplaces are different. The following relevant factors should be considered when determining the point when dismissal may be considered: 
  • Is there a specified timeframe in the employment agreement or policy? 
  • To what extent is the business affected by the employee’s absence? 
  • What ability does the employer have to appoint a temporary replacement and how much will this cost? 
  • What is the nature and extent of the incapacity according to medical experts, and is there a likelihood of recovery? 
  • Can reasonable accommodations be made to the work or is there an alternative position that could be offered to allow the person to stay employed? 
  • Does the employee have sick leave, holiday, or leave entitlements still available?[3]

Employees must be advised that they may be potentially facing dismissal and be given all the information that the employer is relying on to make the decision. The employee needs to have an opportunity to comment on this in a meeting where they can be represented.[4]

Keep in mind the obligations of Good Faith, Good Reason, and Fair Practice.

  1. National Disability Authority, Retaining employees who acquire a disability: A guide for employers. National Disability Authority: Dublin, Ireland
  2. Mental Health Foundation, Return to Work: Returning to work after experiencing mental illness and other mental health issues. 2007, Mental Health Foundation Auckland.
  3. Department of Labour. Solving problems. 2011 2011; Available from:
  4. Department of Labour. Solving problems. 2011 2011; Available from:
Redeploying or exiting
How to manage if an employee may not be able to return to their previous job role.

This iconis located in the top right-hand corner of the page. Click the icon to read more about redeployment and exiting. Then answer the question below. 

  • If an employee is unable to do the job they were hired to do, the only option is to let them go.