Inclusive Staff Management > Reintegrate into Work

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Reintegrating into work

Once a person has returned to work with any reasonable accommodations required in place, both the manager and employee should monitor progress at reintegrating into their role and team.

Two key focuses should be:

  1. Monitoring health by continuing to take care of physical and mental health on return to work. The employee should utilise any medical, therapeutic, or other supports required to maximise recovery and treat any on-going problems. The employer or manager should ensure that the return to work is paced so the employee does not risk their health by taking on too much too soon.[1]

  2. Re-joining the team harmoniously by balancing realistic expectations of work performance and appropriate pacing through:
  • Offering positive support and expressing appreciation of the contribution to the team by the employee, and of the work being done.
  • Ensuring the work is shared fairly across the team.
  • Planning carefully for when the employee can take on a greater share of the team work.[1]

A return to work interview or meeting on the first day back will reduce levels of absences and is good practice for all employees who have been absent from work. This allows line managers and employees to deal with any problems they may have.[1]

Progressing a career

Continue to offer encouragement and support for the employee to develop and follow career goals. Employees who feel they are on a career path can feel more fulfilled and be more productive, whether or not they have experienced illness, injury, or disability.[1]

  1. National Disability Authority, Retaining employees who acquire a disability: A guide for employers. National Disability Authority: Dublin, Ireland 
Reintegrating into work
Monitor progress at reintegrating an employee back into their full role and team.

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  • Once a person has returned to work with reasonable accommodations in place both the manager and employee should monitor progress at reintegrating into their role and team.