Inclusive Recruitment Process > Examples of Accommodations

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These examples have been collated from the following resources: 

  1. Employers' Forum on Disability and Workbridge, Manager's guide: A best practice approach to working with disabled employees. 2007: Employers' Forum on Disability.
  2. Acas, Promoting positive mental health at work booklet. 2014, Acas: United Kingdom.
  3. Workbridge. Workbridge - Real jobs for people with disabilities. 2014; Available from:
  4. Mind., Mental health in the workplace: an employers guide. 2010, Mind: London, England.
  5. Working Women’s Resource Centre, One in Five: A Guide for Representing & Supporting Workers with Experience of Mental Illness. Working Women’s Resource Centre: New Zealand.
  6. Equal Employment Opportunities Trust.Diversity Toolkits: Employing disabled people. [cited 2014 October]; Available from:
  7. Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Workable: Reasonable accommodation. 2013 2013; Available from:

Examples of Accommodations

Special accommodations may include: 

  • adjusting work schedules so that people can work at their best times
  • providing flexible or part-time work hours
  • allowing flexible breaks
  • having flexible sick leave provision
  • providing technology (e.g. a computer when working away from the office or software to structure time)
  • providing private space to work or ways to block noise
  • changing how work duties are performed
  • identifying strengths and focusing work around these
  • providing a workplace buddy, job coach, or mentor.