Introduction > Purpose

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The purpose of this toolkit is to provide information and resources for creating a positive and inclusive workplace for all workers, including those who have mental health problems.

The toolkit consists of two parts, Information and Resource Library

It is not essential to read through the information in the order presented. Use the information below and the titles on the left for quick navigation.


Key Concepts 

  • Facts and information about the impact of mental health problems in New Zealand workplaces.


  • Some common myths about mental health problems.

Inclusive Recruitment Process 

  • Recruiting new staff in an inclusive, fair and legally responsible manner.

Inclusive Staff Management Process 

  • Managing employees with mental health problems in a way that supports your company and your workers.

Retention and Productivity 

  • How to create happy, inclusive and well-functioning workplaces that foster good mental health.

Resource Library

The resource library provides access to research, professional development and networking opportunities to help improve policy and processes. Throughout there are links to:

  Training programs  Articles, Factsheets, Research, Pamphlets, Flowcharts
    Handbooks, Guides, Booklets        Websites
  Videos  Directories
  Toolkits  Services


The legal information provided throughout this toolkit is for guidance only and should not be regarded as an authoritative statement of the law, which can only be made by reference to the particular circumstances which apply. It may, therefore, be wise to seek legal advice.